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Wedding Officiant Service

Wedding Officiant

Customized Wedding Officiants

Welcome to Customized Wedding Officiants, where we perform personalized wedding ceremonies designed to celebrate each couple's unique love story.


If cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all weddings aren't your style, our officiants can craft a meaningful ceremony that's tailored just for you. We'll get to know you as a couple and incorporate your vision, values and details that make your relationship special.


Whether you imagine exchanging heartfelt vows outdoors under a canopy of lights, on a secluded beach at sunset, or in a vintage chapel, we can make it happen. We also officiate elopements and last minute ceremonies for spontaneous romantics ready to take the leap.


Our officiants are trained to oversee all traditions and legalities, allowing you to fully immerse yourselves in the joy of your special day. We aim to strike the perfect balance between elegant and lighthearted during your ceremony.


If you're looking for a wedding officiant who will thoughtfully co-create a ceremony to remember, contact Bohemian Notary Services today. We look forward to learning more about your love story and how we can help celebrate it.

Contact Us to Craft Your Perfect Ceremony

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2840 Peachtree Road NW

Unit #307

Atlanta, GA 30305 


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